ADF Exceptions

oracle.jbo.expr.JIEvalException: JBO-25077: Name SearchValue not found in the given object: {}. What can be the cause?


Just after adding a groofy expression as a default value for view object bind variable, I get this exception:

oracle.jbo.expr.JIEvalException: JBO-25077: Name SearchValue not found in the given object: {}

This exception was preceded by lower severity messages like:

  • JBO-25186: Exception in expression “SearchTargetYearVar” of unknown type : groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException : No such property: viewObject for class: oracle.jbo.common.VariableImpl$VariableExprValueSupplier
  • JBO-25186 [adf][oracle.jbo.script.ExprScriptException]


The cause of this exception was that a groovy expression of particular bind variable was defined as untrusted. Thus need to change it to trusted:

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About Danas Tarnauskas