How to get LOV value instead of index when it is used in “selectOneChoice” component in the table row?

When using LOV’s, a common issue in ADF is to get selected value instead of index when LOV is used to render for example “selectOneChoice” component. I’ve faced it when “selectOneChoice” was used in table. That means every row in table can have different selection of LOV values. Thus we can’t rely on iterators current row and simply to access…

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ADF, ADF Exceptions

JBO-25058: Definition vc_temp_1 of type Variable is not found in …

“JBO-25058: Definition vc_temp_1 of type Variable is not found in …”. What can be the reason? ADF creates/reuses application module (AM) instance for each user request. It is passivated (saved) after each HTTP request (if configured accordingly). When in application there are used some queries with view criteria, filter variables are passivated  for according AM as well. During the next…

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ADF “Select many shuttle” (af:selectManyShuttle) component does not show all items in the leading list

   ADF “Select many shuttle” does not populate all items available in binded iterator. I don’t know whether this is a bug or some other reason, but af:selectManyShuttle in the leading list populates just no more items then defined in the “RangeSize” property of iterator.   To my mind it supposed to fetch all items in iterator in bunches of %RangeSize%…

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Problem with navigation using task flow actions – action is not executed after first button click

I experienced such strange ADF behavior regarding navigation using task-flow actions. Navigation doesn’t work after single button press. After second press – works fine. Preconditions: Application “MyApp” with two pages – main.jspx and popup.jspx (You can download sample app) popup.jspx belongs to bounded task-flow main.jspx belongs to unbounded task-flow Action “open” is defined in unbouded task-flow (see picture below) CommandButton…

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How to implement contextual events between parent page and region?

Contextual events are necessary when need to communicate between separate regions or between parent page and region in ADF application. Here I’ll describe one approach to implement this. It is a little improvement of classic approach, because of event handling java interface is created and event consumer is implementing it. It is convenient, when need to separate data control implementation…

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ADF, ADF Desktop Integration (ADFdi), ADF Exceptions

ADF Desktop Integration Excel worksheet exception on upload operation: ArgumentException: invalid area string: N5:Q5,S5

Full exception stack: ArgumentException: invalid area string: N5:Q5,S5 Source: adfdi-excel-om-api Stack: at at at range, Int32 maxRows) at at abortOnFail) at rtColumnFlaggedOrChanged, Int32 cRowsFlaggedOrChanged, Boolean abortOnFail) at haveOptions, Boolean abortOnFail, Boolean downloadAfterUpload) at rtAction) at parent) This exception is thrown when data upload to server is requested. Range N5:Q5,S5 specifies cells…

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ADF, JDeveloper, SQL and PL/SQL, Weblogic

How to change logging level of standalone or integrated WebLogic in JDeveloper? For example how to capture SQL executed?

In Integrated WebLogic (JDeveloper) this can be done with just few clicks: Open “IntegratedWeblogicServer – Log” window. On the right-hand top corner click “Actions” and choose “Configure Oracle Diagnostic Logging” For getting SQL statements in the output, in the opened logging.xml choose “oracle.jbo” logger with desired logging level. Level “Finest” will generate maximum output. SQL staements shoud definitely be there.…

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ADF, ADF Desktop Integration (ADFdi), ADF Exceptions

ADFDI-00502: The client was unable to establish an unauthenticated session with the web application. What can be the reason?

I have experienced such error. The reason was, that web application didn’t know, that servlet “adfdiRemoteServlet”, responsible for Excel workbook connectivity, should be secured. Problem happens only when ADF security is set to “ADF Authentication and Authorization”. This means, that ADF takes care not just for login, but for access to various resources (in our case it is adfdiRemoteServlet) as…

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