Sometimes there might be a case, when development team shares one WebLogic server instance and each developer needs to deploy and test the same application at the same time. Or whatever the reason it is, there are some simple steps needed to be accomplished in JDeveloper to have another instance of the same application just with different context root. Assuming…
How to execute bean method when switching tab in ADF?
Quite common requirement is to execute some logic when navigating between tabs in ADF application. Luckily in ADF there is a straight forward feature enabling you to do this easily. Its enough just to add disclosureListener to showDetailItem of panelTabbed component and point it to dedicated bean method. Like this: Listener method signature must contain DisclosureEvent parameter: Tiny sample application can be…
How to execute java expressions programmatically in ADF ?
Expression Language (EL) in java is powerful and convenient way to access necessary objects. In ADF it is commonly used as well. I suggest you a couple helper methods to execute methods and get values via EL: You may also need to pass parameters to method invoked by EL. Apparently EL does not support that. But there is a workaround,…
How to get LOV value instead of index when it is used in standalone ADF “selectOneChoice” component ?
Its a common issue in ADF to get a LOV value instead of index in ADF form. How to do that in collection context, for example – when we have “selectOneChoice” in table row cell, I’ve noted in another post. And that was really easy. Its more complicated when we need the same in “selectOneChoice” used in form, standalone component…
How to evaluate excel formula in cell of ADF Desktop Integration table component?
Problem I was trying to evaluate excel formula in cell of ADFdi table component. My try was unsuccessfull, got formula rendered as a literal string in the cell. Solution Apparently when ADFdi plugin evaluates value expression of particular column, it needs to know what kind of output you expect in the cell. Is it a literal value, o some instructions…
ADF How to access bind variable from view object row?
Problem I just faced a requirement to pass bind variable value to one of view object attributes LOV. It looks straight forward while we can provide view criteria and bind variable values to LOV’s view object via view accessor: I thought that it should be no problem just to write a groovy expression into parameters value field: adf.object.viewObject.myBindVariable But I’ve…
Get “ORA-56901: non-constant expression is not allowed for pivot|unpivot values” ? Not a big deal, check a workaround!
Problem Get “ORA-56901: non-constant expression is not allowed for pivot|unpivot values” while trying to execute SQL statement with pivot clause. Lets consider this tiny sample: Here is the table: SQL statement with PIVOT clause and constant expressions, which executes successfully: SQL statement with PIVOT clause and dynamic expressions, which fails: Solution Workaround – just don’t use PIVOT at this…
ADF application layout messed up after migration to 12.2.1 … What might be the reason ?
Problem: After migration of ADF application from 12.1.3 to 12.2.1 layout was messed up. In particular – component stretching was disordered. Reason: As ADF is going step by step to adaptive layouting, component stretching is optimized accordingly. In version new context parameter was introduced: It basically tells what dimensions for stretchable components should be applied by default. For example…
JBO-26041: Failed to post data to database during “Update”… What might be the reason?
Problem: Exception during data save is thrown: oracle.jbo.DMLException: JBO-26041: Failed to post data to database during “Update”: SQL Statement “UPDATE… It might be followed by similar to this one: java.sql.SQLException: Fail to construct descriptor: Unable to resolve type “NVARCHAR2″… Solution: Check if SQLType attribute of an entity/view object attribute being updated is correct. For example it can be set to…
Override inputListOfValues component model and Continuous Query Notification sample in ADF
Requirement: Standard ADF inputListOfValues component should behave like this: When pressed “Search”, action should stop and wait untill any change happen in DB table being searched When change happen in DB table, search should resume among updated data. If no change happen it should resume after 10 seconds timeout In addition – search input field validation should happen on “Search”…